
Snowwy Weekend

Actually, it was a Blizzard-like weekend here in New York City. Rather than stay in and stay warm, I ventured out to take pictures in Central Park on Sunday afternoon before it got dark. Here's how it went before I eventually got cold and turned around to go back home and warm up!

When I got off the subway...

I saw snow everywhere...

On bare tree branches...

On top of the lake...

Next to the ducks...

all over the hills...

and that was all I could take!

I also saw some adorable Snowmen here and here.


  1. I'm so proud of you for going out - I was in my jammies all day thinking, I really should go out, but I really don't want to....

  2. I was there super early for the photo opps but yeah I was miserably cold a few hours later. The snowman photo in the tree is the best!


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